Песни Do You Know About The Water Of Life и клип Видеоклип Do You Know About the Water of Life? / Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows


Добавил: 2017-01-08 | Посетило: 663 | Время: 04:49 | Исполнитель: Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows

Смотреть видеоклип Видеоклип Do You Know About the Water of Life? / Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows для песни Do You Know About The Water Of Life.


Текст песни

In my subterranean tower...-
yes, it was "love" that has brought me here,
there are no numbers, but one and eleven,
and an uncertain feeling about the presence of three.

Built brick by brick and fear by fear...-
Oh, everything's inverted here.
These walls have eyes, these vaults have ears
and there's no hiding from the tears...

While I am dressed in the monster's skin,
"behold the cruellest mockery"
erection, fur(s) and a cloak of shame
my beauty is too disgusting... - please, don't look at me.

Built brick by brick and fear by fear...-
Oh, everything's inverted here.
These walls have eyes, these vaults have ears
and there's no hiding from the tears...

Like Cronos I rigidly serve an illusion...-
I attempted to unman Uranus last night
swallowing handfuls of my prophetic children,
in terror I'm fearing the passing of time.

Built brick by brick and fear by fear...-
Oh, everything's inverted here.
These walls have eyes, these vaults have ears
and there's no hiding from the tears...

...And in the silence that followed I learned to speak
the secret language of denial and fear
seemingly gentle for its absence of voices,
yet, it's merely a shroud for a deafening scream.

Built brick by brick and fear by fear...-
Oh, everything's inverted here.
These walls have eyes, these vaults have ears
and there's no hiding from the tears...

Видеоклип Do You Know About the Water of Life? / Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows

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