Песни For Those About To Rock We Salute You Full Album 1981 и клип Видеоклип ACDC - For Those About To Rock


Добавил: 2016-12-30 | Посетило: 785 | Время: 39:49 | Исполнитель: AC/DC

Смотреть видеоклип Видеоклип ACDC - For Those About To Rock для песни For Those About To Rock We Salute You Full Album 1981.


Текст песни

1. "For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)"
2. "I Put the Finger on You"
3. "Let's Get It Up"
4. "Inject the Venom"
5. "Snowballed"
6. "Evil Walks"
7. "C.O.D."
8. "Breaking the Rules"
9. "Night of the Long Knives"
10. "Spellbound"


Видеоклип ACDC - For Those About To Rock

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