Песни Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better и клип Видеоклип Doris Day & Rock Hudson - Bettgeflüster Ausschnitt


Добавил: 2017-01-16 | Посетило: 697 | Время: 03:32 | Исполнитель: Doris Day & Robert Goulet

Смотреть видеоклип Видеоклип Doris Day & Rock Hudson - Bettgeflüster Ausschnitt для песни Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better.


Текст песни

ANNIE Anything you can do I can do better
......I can do anything better than you
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, yes, I can

FRANK Anything you can be I can be greater
......Sooner or later I'm greater than you
ANNIE No, you're not
FRANK Yes, I am
ANNIE No, you're not
FRANK Yes, I am
ANNIE No, you're not
FRANK Yes, I am, yes I am

FRANK I can shoot a partridge with a single cartridge
ANNIE I can get a sparrow with a bow and arrow
FRANK I can live on bread and cheese
ANNIE And only on that?
ANNIE So can a rat

FRANK Any note you can reach I can go higher
ANNIE I can sing anything higher than you
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can

ANNIE Anything you can buy I can buy cheaper
......I can buy anything cheaper than you
FRANK Fifty cents
ANNIE Forty cents
FRANK Thirty cents
ANNIE Twenty cents
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, yes, I can

FRANK Anything you can say I can say softer
ANNIE I can say anything softer than you
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, yes, I can

FRANK I can drink my liquor faster than a flicker
ANNIE I can do it quicker and get even sicker
FRANK I can open any safe
ANNIE Without being caught?
ANNIE That's what I thought (you crook)

FRANK Any note you can hold I can hold longer
ANNIE I can hold any note longer than you
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't - yes, you can

ANNIE Anything you can wear I can wear better
......In what you wear I'd look better than you
FRANK In my coat
ANNIE In your vest
FRANK In my shoes
ANNIE In your hat
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, yes, I can

FRANK Anything you can say I can say faster
ANNIE I can say anything faster than you
FRANK Noyoucan't
FRANK Noyoucan't
FRANK Noyoucan't
FRANK Noyoucan't

FRANK I can jump a hurdle
ANNIE I can wear a girdle
FRANK I can knit a sweater
ANNIE I can fill it better
FRANK I can do most anything
ANNIE Can you bake a pie?
ANNIE Neither can I

FRANK Anything you can sing I can sing sweeter
ANNIE I can sing anything sweeter than you
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Oh, yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can
FRANK No, you can't, can't, can't
ANNIE Yes, I can, can, can, can
FRANK No, you can't
ANNIE Yes, I can

Видеоклип Doris Day & Rock Hudson - Bettgeflüster (Ausschnitt)

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