Песни Best friend forever or BFF и клип Видеоклип


Добавил: 2017-01-02 | Посетило: 846 | Время: 04:29 | Исполнитель: I miss you My

Смотреть видеоклип Видеоклип для песни Best friend forever or BFF.


Текст песни

Sometimes in life when all hope is gone
and you feel like you're on your own
true friend comes a long and makes you realize
that everything is ok
in the last year that I've gone through
I have many up's and down's
But no matter what you guys stood by my side
And that's why I dedicate this song to you
my best friends

And after everything that we've been
Through I′m still here with you
Cuz you still my lady
Cuz you be my lady
I swear I′m gonna make you happy
For the rest of my live
Cuz you be my lady and I′m your best
Friend,and I′m your best friend

In times when all hope is gone
And sadness fills your
Heart with pain
You wonder (yeah)
If there′s anyone
That you can call
To somebody who′s left
All alone

You′re surch a loyal friend
And now I know that I′ll never
Find sombody quite like you
I appreciate the day
You came and you stayed

And after everything that we′ve been
Through I′m still here with you
Cuz you still my lady
Cuz you be my lady
I swear I′m gonna make you happy
For the rest of my live
Cuz you′re my lady and I′m your best
Friend,and I′m your best friend

Some people said that we
Never survive, we showed them that
Dreams can come true and it′s for sure
Our secret lies behind an endless
Friendship and mothing could tear
Us apart

You′re surch a loyal friend
And now I know that I′ll never
Find somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day
You came and stayed

True love is so hard to find
Especially if it?s someone
you can call your best friend
No matter what problems occure
You will overcame them with her


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